When using Núnoo webshop you agree that we use cookies.
Cookies are necessary in order to make the webshop work. Cookies also help us to identify our customers visit on Núnoo webshop. We use cookies to improve your experience on our webshop. We evaluate the use of the different functions on the webshop and also to support the marketing of our services.
Cookies are deleted automatically, this can vary from a few hours up to one year, but they are renewed after each visit.
Núnoo uses the following cookies
Cookies are not a program but small text files, which contain letters and numbers. They are placed on your computer, smartphone or other electronic devise with Internet access. Cookies are placed, when you use Núnoo webshop, and they are used to keep track of the pages you have visited – they can help you to continue where you left off. Cookies e.g. remember if you are logged in, what you have placed in the shopping basket, if you have visited the page before and other preferences.
No personal information is stored in our cookies, and they cannot contain a virus.
At Nunoo-no.dk we use:
Session cookies:
Session cookies are necessary in order to make the webshop work properly. Session cookies are used e.g. to control the graphics, user preferences, shopping basket, payment module etc.
Session cookies are deleted once you close down your browser.
Persistent cookies:
Persistent cookies are stored on your computer in order to remember the choices you have made. They are e.g. used to remember user preferences such as name, address and language selection for the next time you visit the webshop.
This type of cookie will last several browser sessions and can last from hours to years.
3rd party cookies:
We use third-party cookies from among others Google, Facebook, etc.
You can always disable the storage of cookies in your browser
However, please be aware that disable the storage of cookies in your browser, we can not guarantee you the best experience on our webshop, and certain features such as shopping cart will not work.
You can at any time delete cookies, see guidance here: https://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cookies